Montana Homeschooling
Homeschooling is a growing movement nationally and has become a choice for many parents in Montana. Although Montana is not a difficult state in which to home educate, it is important to understand the laws regulating homeschooling in Montana. Learn about these laws, along with information on different methods of homeschooling, support groups, local and state events, and much, much more.
What's Popular
Smokejumper Visitor Center
World Museum of Mining and Hell Roarin' Gulch
Big Hole National Battlefield
Alternative Montana Unschoolers
Crazy Mountain Museum
Moss Mansion Historic House Museum
Little Bighorn Battlefield National Monument
American Computer Museum
20-5-102. Compulsory enrollment and excuses.
Glacier National Park
20-5-103. Compulsory attendance and excuses.
Children's Museum of Montana
Home Education - On the Rise in Montana
Gallatin Historical Society Pioneer Museum
Featured Resources
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Kingdom of Children : Culture and Controversy in the Homeschooling Movement (Princeton Studies in Cultural Sociology)
The Exhausted School: Bending the Bars of Traditional Education
The Organizing Sourcebook : Nine Strategies for Simplifying Your Life
These Rare Lands
Guerrilla Learning: How to Give Your Kids a Real Education With or Without School
Quote of the Day
A life worth living and work worth doing -- that is what I want for children (and all people), not just, or not even, something called a better education.
John Holt